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Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia Merupakan Sbuah Topik Yg Kami Angkat Untuk berperan serta dalam Kontes SEO yang diadakan Pihak Perusahaan Toyota ( )dg Tema Toyota Awards SEO 2010 Yg Menjadi acuan Kata Keywords “Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Lomba Ini Dibuka 7 Oktober 2010 (Jam 12:00 wib) dan ditutup Pada tanggal 31 Januari 2011 (Jam 12.00 wib), kami akan melakukan pencarian untuk “kata kunci” di, dan dan menggabungkan nilai dan kemudian menentukan pemenang. Skor tersebut dihitung dengan memberikan poin ke posisi 1 – 10 pada setiap mesin pencari. Anda akan menerima 10 poin untuk peringkat 1, dan 1 poin untuk peringkat 10.
Sebagai contoh:
Situs web Anda: atau —-> (Tidak menggunakan domain dan subdomain dengan target keyword yang di lombakan).
  • Peringkat di Google: 7 = 4 poin
  • Rank di Yahoo: 2 = 9 poin
  • Nilai kualitas artikel = 7 poin
  • Total poin untuk = 20 poin
Dg Total Hadiah kurang Lebih 40Juta Yg Akan Dibagikan Pada peserta Kontes SEO Dg Kata Kunci Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia.
Untuk mempelajari petarutan yang berlaku dalam SEO Award ini silakan klik disini.
Formulir pendaftaran dapat Anda temukan dikanan bawah halaman utama website Toyota SEO Award 2010. Anda layak jadi juara Toyota SEO Award 2010.
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Review Sekilas Mengenai Salah Satu Product Toyota

Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik IndonesiaMobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Release Date : Kamis, 23 September 2010
Media : Media Indonesia, at page 18, size 1085 mmk
Journalist : (Pun/S-2)
MEMBAYANGKAN sebuah perjalanan mudik saat libur Lebaran dari Jakarta ke Jawa Tengah melewati jalur pantai utara (pantura) Jawa tentu akan sangat melelahkan.
Pada musim mudik tahun ini, Media Indonesia berkesempatan menggunakan sekaligus menguji Kijang Innova yang dipinjamkan PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) untuk menemani perjalanan, dua pekan lalu.
Meski fisik dan mental sudah disiapkan untuk menghadapi kemacetan panjang khas arus mudik, pada awalnya tetap tebersit kekhawatiran apakah mobil yang dipakai ini akan mampu memberikan kenyamanan selama perjalanan atau justru akan menambah kepusingan pengendara dengan masalah-masalahnya.
Maklum mobil yang kita uji bertransmisi manual, yang sering kali membuat kaki pegal saat menempuh jalanan padat merayap yang panjang. Selain itu, di benak orang selama ini, Innova terutama yang keluaran awal, punya kelemahan pada konsumsi bahan bakarnya yang cukup boros.
Dua hal itulah yang boleh dibilang menjadi perhatian utama Media Indonesia dan tiga rekan lain saat memulai perjalanan, Rabu (8/9). Selain, tentunya ingin pula menguji ketangguhan mesin dan kenyamanan kabin beserta
perangkat-perangkat di dalamnya. Tak salah memang bila H-2 Lebaran disebut sebagai puncak-puncaknya arus mudik 2010.
Kami yang berangkat malam hari sekitar 23.30 WIB pun sudah disambut dengan kepadatan arus mulai dari Tol Cikampek.
Selama perjalanan, Kijang Innova yang dibekali mesin Toyota tipe 1TR-FE 2.000 cc VVT-i terbukti cukup andal dengan kemampuan tarikannya yang cukup mantap. Meski sejumlah karakter jalan yang kami lewati bervariasi, mulai dari padatnya jalan tol hingga jalan berliku diselingi tanjakan di Subang, mesin Innova terasa tangguh saat melewatinya.
Teknologi VVT-i juga membuat kerja menjadi lebih efisien sehingga konsumsi BBM Innova pun tak seboros pendahulunya. Enaknya lagi, mesin Innova masih memungkinkan untuk diisi bahan bakar premium bertimbal. Faktor ini tentu saja penting karena di sepanjang jalur pantura tidak banyak SPBU yang menyediakan Pertamax.
Yang juga menjadi surprise bagi kami, transmisi manual Innova tak membuat pegal kaki kiri pengemudi. Injakan kopling dengan sistem throttle by wire yang empuk serta perpindahan antargigi yang smooth sangat membantu pengemudi, terutama di saat harus berhadapan dengan kemacetan dan lika-liku tanjakan.
Di bagian belakang, penumpang juga dimanjakan dengan lapangnya kabin Innova. Dominasi warna beige di hampir seluruh ruangan terasa meneduhkan, ditambah fasilitas reclining di setiap kursinya dan AC double blower yang desainnya tak memakan tempat karena menyatu dengan atap ruang, membuat perjalanan yang panjang pun tetap nyaman untuk dinikmati.
Hasilnya, perjalanan kami yang menghabiskan waktu hampir’24 jam dari Jakarta menuju Temanggung menjadi terasa tak melelahkan dan siap melanjutkan perjalanan di keesokan harinya untuk bersilaturahim dan berekreasi. Tentu saja masih bersama Innova.
Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik IndonesiaMobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Release Date : Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
Media : Otomotif, at page 03, size 340 mmk
Journalist : eRIE
Source : Widyawati, GM product planning & customer relationship PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM)
Seiring diluncurkannya tipe E bertransmisi matik di varian mesin bensinnya, maka saat ini sudah ada 17 tipe Toyota Kijang Innova. Mulai tipe J (terendah), E, G hingga V (tertinggi) dan mesin bensin maupun diesel, semuanya ada. Hebat!
Tapi, kenapa begitu banyak pilihannya? “Permintaan di segmen atas buat spesifikasi Innova memang bermacam-macam, mulai dari yang paling mewah sampai yang paling simpel,” sebut Widyawati, GM product planning & customer relationship PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM).
Lantas, kenapa tidak sekalian transmisi matik untuk tipe E mesin dieselnya? Widyawati lebih lanjut menjelaskan kalau konsumen Innova lebih banyak menyukai mesin bensin ketimbang dieselnya.
Pun begitu dengan konsumen Avanza yang membuat TAM juga tak berniat memperbanyak varian Avanza-nya. Widyawati yang ditemui pada gelaran IIMS (29/7) lalu, kembali menyebut kalau konsumen Avanza berbeda. “Mereka memang tak mempunyai banyak permintaan atas spesifikasi Avanza itu.”
Untuk Innova E A/T Bensin itu sendiri dihargai Rp 223 juta (OTR Jakarta) atau lebih mahal Rp 13 juta dari versi transmisi manualnya. “Kami tidak punya target spesifik buat penjualan Innova, sebanyak-banyaknya lah,” sahut Joko Trisanyoto, direktur pemasaran TAM.
Di saat yang sama, TAM juga meluncurkan versi terbaru dari Innova G Luxury dan V Luxury. Kali ini ada penambahan roof monitors dengan fitur DVD Player serta wireless headphone dan remote control. Khusus di V Luxury ditambahi lagi dengan side wsor(talang air) dan rear license ornament.
Lengkap, kap, kap… eRIE


Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

What Will Google SERP Changes Mean for Reputation Management?

Some say ranking is dead. Google's going though changes that may turn SEO on its ear. Google's Matt Cutts talked about some of these changes with WebProNews not too long ago. "I'm not sure I would say ranking is dead but it's not as important as it used to be," he said.

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are going to get a lot more personalized moving into the future. It's already started, but will continue to become increasingly noticeable. This raises some questions not only about SEO and ranking, but how one manages their online reputation. The fact that different people will be seeing different results in a search for your name or your company's name is going to throw a few forks in the spokes of the online reputation management process.


Google recently launched SearchWiki, a way for Google users to rearrange their own search results and vote specific results up or down, leave comments, etc. This is one element of personalized search that has some industry professionals a little worried.

"I'd say that the most significant thing to happen in the search industry in 2008 was the advent of more personalized search, and even more so, the new addition of SearchWiki showing up in Google," High Rankings CEO Jill Whalen recently told me. "It's too soon to really know what will happen with that, but my guess is that it will cause some reputation management nightmares for many companies."

It's going to affect how marketers help their own clients maintain positive reputations as well. WebProNews Blog Partner Andy Beal of Marketing Pilgrim, who created the online reputation-monitoring tool Trackur, talked a little about this with me.

Andy Beal"It's certainly something to be concerned about--especially when you consider that Google hasn't placed much constraint on its use," he explains. "For example, what's to stop a competitor's employees from littering SearchWiki with negative 'reviews' about your business? How will that be policed? Google has indicated that SearchWiki data may be included in the regular algorithm in the future, but has been somewhat vague about how companies can address falsely posted comments."

The future isn't necessarily all bad for reputation management though.

"On the other side of the coin, we have Google's plans to further personalize search results based upon an individuals preferences and search history," Beal tells me. "I'm intrigued by a number of possibilities here, not all of which are negative."

"First, one web site's 'vote down' is another's 'vote up,'" he explains. "Think about it. OK, so a user could vote down your web listing, but they could just as easily vote down your competitor. Now, instead of spending endless nights worrying about how to move from #2 on Google to #1, your target customer just did the job for you--albeit confined to their search browser only."

"Secondly, let's go with the worst case scenario and assume that a user voted down your listing in Google," Beal continues. "They would have done that anyway! OK, so now they have the option to actually vote you off the Google 'island' but prior to this feature, they were mentally excluding you anyway--so you've not lost much."

As has become popular opinion of where Internet marketing will go as a result of Google's changes, people are going to have to start worrying less about where their site is ranked in Google, and more about analytics, and how their site is presented.

"Businesses will finally realize the vital importance of not just 'ranking' but also displaying a compelling TITLE and description/snippet," Beal says. "If a searcher's finger is hovering over the voting buttons, you want to make sure that your listing is enticing and engaging. A TITLE stuffed with keywords might get you to #3 in Google, but if the guy at #8 has a really engaging offer in his TITLE--you get voted down, he gets voted up."

The truth of the matter is, nobody really knows for sure what new online reputation management strategies are going to have be implemented when things like intent-based search and personalization become the everyday norm. I would venture to say however, that Internet marketers are going to need to be savvy in the reputation management area. Perhaps more so than traditional SEO. We'll see where it goes.

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Should Google Buy Twitter, Yahoo Merge with AOL?

There is a lot of talk going on about what should or shouldn't happen among prominent Internet companies (as opposed to what actually is happening). For example, a lot of people have been saying Google should buy Twitter. In many ways, such move would make a great deal of sense for Google, who is looking to up the ante on the social front. Twitter combined with YouTube would be huge for such an initiative. John Battelle makes a case for why this is pretty unlikely though.

He says Twitter won't sell, and that they're in it for the "immortality", not the money. He writes:

Those who decide whether Twitter goes to Google pretty much come down to a handful of folks: Founders Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone, with COO Dick Costolo and Twitter's investors and other Board members (Fred Wilson, Peter Fenton, and Bijan Sabet). I know most of these guys well enough to say this with confidence: They don't want to sell, and even more importantly, they don't need to.

Now, sure, Google can write a ridiculous check, and perhaps, that might sway the key folks (management). But I doubt it. Why? Because nearly all of them have already sold a company to Google - Blogger (Evan and Biz) or Feeedburner (Dick). And, well, they didn't stick around, did they?

He also says Google won't buy Twitter because Google's learning to be patient.

Let's make a deal!According to a post from Michael Arrington, Yahoo might as well be dead (and is "the ugly girl at the dance"), because nobody wants to do deals with them. By nobody, we mean Yelp and Foursquare. In reality, Yahoo is far from dead, and they do continue to make strategic deals with other companies. A certain search and advertising deal with Microsoft comes to mind. He's certainly not wrong in that the company has its problems, but it might be a little premature to write its epitaph. Yahoo still has millions of users.

Should AOL and Yahoo merge? Henry Blodget at Silicon Alley Insider makes another interesting case for why the two "struggling Internet giants" should (and says "Big Investors" are calling for it).

Among the reasons he gives are that the two companies run very similar businesses with various similar products. "Yahoo and AOL are both basically media companies," he writes. "They both use technology extensively, but their core competency is producing content to attract an audience and then selling display ads against that audience. They also both operate duplicative mail, instant-messaging, sports, finance, news, maps, and other services, all of which currently compete with each other. That is senseless. By combining, Yahoo and AOL would achieve greater scale and reduce duplication."

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NYT Gets The Goods On Google

When SEOmoz’s Rand Fishkin calls something “quite possibly the best mainstream media article about Google, or modern search technology, in the last 5 years,” it’s pretty much our duty to cover it. When Rand Fishkin writes 800 words about said article, well . . . we know better than to condense and summarize.

Here’s the original article, then, straight from Saul Hansell of the New York Times. Fishkin calls it “informative to even those . . . most deeply inside the search industry . . .”

Matt Cutts gave his opinion about the piece, as well; though he was “a little worried” about having Hansell hang around the Googleplex, Cutts feels the article “does a good job of describing search quality at Google.”

Interested? Well, summarization just isn’t practical, but hitting the highlights might be. Fishkin begins by noting, “It’s nice to hear . . . that the current competitive advantage is primarily about the relevance of results.” Furthermore, “The Google bug system reminds us that behind all the magic, human beings toil to ensure quality, compare individual results and make tweaks based upon the best aggregate changes.”

There’s also some fairly straightforward talk about the freshness of Google’s results. “It’s nice to get confirmation and feel the vindication of this transparency, but there’s also a lesson to be learned - Google isn’t perfect and they often look inward,” writes Fishkin. “The note that this problem wasn’t addressed until the query ‘Google Finance’ didn’t show ‘Google Finance’ is strong evidence that Google is like many other companies. Things don’t get fixed unless the folks internally feel the pain of the problem.”

Then, at the very end of Fishkin’s coverage, comes another rush of information, which he describes as “a lot of confirmation about what many have only theorized until now.” At stake are “200 signals of quality . . . a classification system that attempts to determine query intent and an automated system to determine diversity.”

Again, this write-up is meant as more of a heads-up than a substitute for reading the real thing. When you’ve got time to read and process about 4,000 words’ worth of text, Saul Hansell’s original piece is definitely worth a look.

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Facebook And Bing Talk Social Search

Yusuf Mehdi, Senior Vice President, Online Business, Microsoft says they are grateful for the Facebook partnership. We are going to show how search gets better because of your friends.

Editor's note. This article was live blogged.

Qi Liu, President, Online Services Division Microsoft, talks about partnership between Facebook and Bing and taking search to the next level. We will harness potential of social, take it to the next level.

Unfolding a new era of search. Create search capabilities that were not available.

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Classic search problem who knows what. Create consumer and economic value. Make
popular opinion expert opinion

Mark Zuckerberg. Design products around people and social search. Talks about beginning of Facebook. Organizing information around people. People brains focus on processing information about people.

Early photos album, early apps were not rich. Socially integrated. High resolution photos and the progress since the beginning of Facebook. Kept building out apps and allows other companies to add to Facebook.

Social game companies product designed around people. More than just about games, products that are sociallyl integrated. Social search and a great partnership with Microsoft. Microsoft is the underdog and can go all out. Microsoft is a good ally and partner.

Mehdi is back. On Facebook you can search results. Not everyone wants to search the web on Facebook. Talks about Bing Social results as a tab in Bing.

Can see shared links on Facebook and see the buzz.

What he wants in search results is what his friends think. Now likes and information into search you can't get anywhere else. We have likes included from friends. You can see stories people like. More personal search for everyone.

Say you want to find a Stephen Colbert video. I go to Bing, type in video. If my friends have liked it, I can get right to the one I want instead of wading through mashups or anything else.

Talks about people search. We've collaborated to make things better. If we're looking for a person it's not easy. We're going to bring in people from Facebook. Use a number of social signals. If I'm friends of a friend, then I can see that friend.

Dan Rose from Facebook talks about Facebook's early partnerships. Knew Microsoft would be a good partner. They have been partners for four years. The important thing is to be flexible.

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Dos and Don’ts to Improve Google Ranking: Ranking Factors, Good and Bad

Among SEO professionals, there isn’t always consensus on precisely which and to what degree site factors contribute or detract from rankings on Google because the factors actually vary by industry. There are indeed, a number of contentious issues: markup and content quality, use of title tags, site organization and even arguments that Google Analytics data factors in to site rankings. Not likely (yet), but certainly up for debate among SEO professionals.

However, there are some Google ranking factors that most professionals agree affect site positioning on Google SERPs. However, these are opinions, find out for yourself how these apply to projects you’re working on.

Recommended Steps to Improve Google Ranking

1. Use keywords in HTML title tags. Probably the most significant factor for a site regardless of the competitive landscape, the title tag must be consistent with content in the page for best results. The more keywords in your title, the less effective this factor, be judicious.

2. Create quality anchor text for inbound links. At one time, according to some SEO professionals, quality anchor text was an essential component of a well-ranked site. After all, this is the text the user opted to see by clicking a link on another site. Most SEOs still contend that quality anchor text is a highly significant, positive ranking factor. If not for spiders, for visitors clicking in as well. Obviously the text should be relevant to the destination page for best results; that’s where your on page optimization comes in to play.

3. Increase link popularity. Link popularity takes into account the number of inbound links present. Link authority has less relevance, though it is still a factor depending on the competitive landscape. Link popularity is based on a global count of links from all sites. However, quality links are still critical to creating site authority; authority means ranking for more phrases than you intentionally target.

4. Hang in there. The age of a site is an important positive weighting factor according to many SEO professionals. It’s certainly a reasonable assumption. Failed sites are dropped as soon as the hosting subscription ends. If a site has been around for 10 years, the owners must be dong something right, especially if link popularity is steady developed over the years. Unfortunately for site owners, there’s no way to speed up the aging process – except hanging in there.

5. Increase the popularity of internal links. These links direct visitors to helpful, related content. They’re important in providing visitors with a positive on-site experience. Search engines view on-site link popularity as a sign that visitors like what they see and want to learn more.

7. Build deep links. Deep links are relevant to the topicality of the target page or keyword. The relevance of these inbound links matters to a site’s Google ranking. However, please note point 3. The sheer number of inbound links is a factor as well. Quality deep links carry more weight and add credibility to a site.

8. Connect with sites selling to the same demographic. Create a number of links with sites within your topical community. This helps visitors further their searches – something Google likes very much.

9. Keep old links. Google looks for web stability. The older the link, the more trust it has. It indicates a happy relationship with the site owner linking in who recognizes the value of sending visitors off-site. Google watchers suggest a three to four month time window for spiders to determine that this is a well-established, long-term link that has value to visitors of both sites.

10. Use keywords in body text. Make sure that keywords receive prominent display in headlines, headers, sub-heads. It’s important that the keywords used in HTML text on page match with keywords used in the site’s meta data and title tags.

Not Recommended

1. Don’t use session IDs in URLs. It sounds like a good idea on the surface, an easy way to track customer information, but here’s the problem. Each time a spider crawls the site, a new URL with session ID is created. The spider now has two, or three or more URLs all showing duplicate content. Go back to Go, do not collect $200. Don’t confuse this with pages that may have a couple GET variables in them; avoid that when you can, but just avoid having your pages containing session IDs.

2. Choose a reputable web host. The most potent negative ranking factor is server accessibility. If your server, located in Timbuktu, is inaccessible to spiders, it’s inaccessible to visitors. Down time soon becomes down and out time.

3. Avoid duplicate content. Googlebots employ filters to detect duplicate content. Now, if you opt to post some syndicated articles, you’re providing a service to visitors. However, a bot will recognize that content (it’s already appeared on 400 sites) and you’ll see a drop in traffic rank.

4. Jettison low-quality links. Google assesses the character of your site by the company you keep so keep good company by unlinking from (1) links farms, (2) sites with absolutely no quality content and (3) otherwise low-quality sites; e.g. FFA (free for all) sites.

5. Avoid any kind of links deception. Googlebots aren’t smart, but they can detect some paid links and a variety of links scams, including generated links. If a Googlebot suspects links fraud, your site may be penalized and sent to the basement or banned altogether.

6. Avoid a log-in before visitors and bots access “the good stuff.” Log-ins can easily confuse a bot who won’t be able to access quality content hidden behind a log in. Even though users with Google toolbars will be unknowingly suggesting new URLs to be crawled as they surf about, having teasers for the content your monetizing by subscription will help your SEO.

7. Avoid using frames. Horizontal and vertical framesets are commonly used by designers to present more than one page of a site on the screen at the same time. However, frames are also bot traps. They can get in but they can’t get out, making it impossible for them to index a site – at all! Tell your developer to look at using iframes if possible or absolutely necessary.

8. Avoid duplicate title/meta tags. Title/meta tags are a valuable resource for site owners to expand access points to a site. Using title tags ensures that more pages are indexed and listed in Google’s SERPs as distinct links. All good. Unfortunately, too many duplicate title tags on pages in which the content topic hasn’t changed, is redundant and a waste of the bots time. Use tag your pages uniquely and judiciously.

9. Do not keyword stuff. Even though search engines no longer give much weight to keyword tags, keyword stuffing continues. Select 20 to 30 keywords – top-tier and long-tail – and focus on them. Keep keyword density in body text at no more than 3%. The old 5% rule still led to on-site gibberish – obviously these figures vary by competitive landscape.

10. Do not let quality slip – even for a day. Spiders crawl sites with greater frequency and sophistication and index updates are common as changes to a site are implemented. During periods of construction, be sure to keep spiders out of staging areas that have yet to be completed or block with robots. These works-in-progress may cost you points in the ranking sweepstakes.

Google controls 46% of all searches. Doesn’t it make sense to give this search engine exactly what it wants and delete what it doesn’t want?

Rhetorical question.

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Lawmakers Hold Hearing On Internet Gambling

The House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing Wednesday to discuss regulating Internet gambling in the U.S. and establish safeguards for licensed operators to put in place to protect against underage and problem gambling.

"With the recent passage of financial reform legislation, it's great to see the Committee now with the opportunity to focus its attention on other issues such as Internet gambling Financial Servicesregulation", said Michael Waxman, spokesperson for the Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative.

Committee members heard testimony from representatives of the financial services, tribal and poker communities who spoke in support of regulating Internet gambling.

Annie-Duke Ed Williams, member of the Board of Directors of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) spoke of the challenges faced by financial services companies who are forced to comply with burdensome rules in an attempt to prevent unlawful Internet gambling transactions.

Williams testified that the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection and Enforcement Act would promote "regulatory simplicity while assisting financial institutions compliance with UIGEA."

Professional poker player Annie Duke testified about the consumer safeguards and revenue potential under the legislation.

Duke said American poker players "want to play on sites licensed in the United States, which will provide for even greater consumer protections for the player and yield badly-needed tax revenue for state and federal governments."

According to a tax revenue analysis conducted by the Joint Committee on Taxation, regulated Internet gambling is expected to generate nearly $42 billion in revenue for the federal government over its first 10 years. Estimates suggest that it would also generate as much as $30 billion in new revenues to the states and would create up to 32,000 jobs over its first five years.

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Will Dmoz Continue to Have a Place in Search?

Nearly a year ago, we looked at what Dmoz (aka: The Open Directory Project) was up to, and if it still had a place in search. The directory was talking about how it was looking for "a little respect" as it prepared to celebrate its 11th birthday (on June 5).

Has Dmoz earned any more of that respect going into its 12th year?
Tell us what you think.

Dmoz has been brought back into the discussion as Google's Matt Cutts appeared in a new Google Webmaster Help Video answering the following user question:

Why is Google still taking notice of DMOZ? Many have alleged that the editors are corrupt. It's impossible to get them to list a site even if it is very relevant to a specific area.

"I know that people do have complaints about Dmoz, and we don't show it in our one-Google-sort of tabs at the top of the page like we used to in previous years, but in some countries, it can be very hard to type in queries. It can take a lot of time," says Cutts. "For example in something like Chinese or Japanese or Korean, sometimes it might be easier to browse by clicking, rather than typing in the query, and so especially in those sorts of countries, it can be very helpful to show Dmoz."

"But we don't use Dmoz in a lot of the ways that we used to. We don't show the Dmoz categories or the Open Directory categories beneath the snippet, and we used to do that," he adds. "We don't show it on the main page like we used to anymore. So if you're frustrated, you can always try a different category that you also think is relevant. You can always go to editors up the chain. But in general, if you can't get into Dmoz, I wouldn't necessarily worry about it. There are a lot of other great places to get links across the web."

Dmoz continues down the slope it's been on for quite some time in terms of unique visitors. Google not giving it as much play certainly must play at least some role in this. It does get over 18% of its referrals from Google:

Dmoz on its Own Future

Dmoz swears it still has plenty of life left in it, so if you believe the editorial department, there may be new opportunities from Dmoz down the road. In a post earlier this year, reflecting upon the last decade, Bob Keating, Dmoz editor-in-chief said, "Over the '00 decade, DMOZ has grown to be one of the most successful collaborative projects on the web. It has outlasted its commercial counterparts, and continues to be relevant in the search industry. The keys to its longevity and usefulness are its dedicated community, its open, collaborative editorial model, its non-commercial nature, and open data distribution channel."

"While DMOZ receives hundreds of editor applications, and lists thousands of websites each week, it needs a new Plan – a new blueprint for the future of how the web is organized, and how human organized data is consumed," he says. "Using traditional web directories as a means for information discovery is a thing of the past. However, the need for organized web-based content continues to grow exponentially. The future of DMOZ does not lie merely in improving its toolset, making it more SEO friendly, or convincing others of its collective brilliance. Its future lies in turning the entire thing on its head."

Keating went on to list some goals for this decade, including the development of an API for Dmoz data to allow editors and developers to write new apps using it. He also wants to transform Dmoz from a fixed-path directory to "the largest faceted system for organizing information on the web," have it become a "major influencer" for bringing the semantic web out of the lab/enterprise and into the entire web, and transforming Dmoz into a "suite of products with multiple levels of participation and engagement."

Things have been pretty quiet on the Dmoz front since then. The only updates on the Dmoz blog have been from editors talking about their experiences editing specific categories. Perhaps that is because some of the aforementioned goals are in the process of being realized behind the scenes.

Note: With a great deal of talk in the comments about corrruption, you may be interested in hearing from a former editor on the topic. Read here.

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Nowadays almost everyone has a mobile phone. Mobile has become a necessity for everyone. From year to year, mobile phone users is increasing and will continue to rise. Business Pulse can provide extra income for you and could even become the main income exceeds the money you pay if you have a strong determination to undergo this business.
If you are currently running a business credit or plan to start with, do not be afraid and do not hesitate to get in business credit!, Because business credit is a real business that will never stop.
# The price to compete with other
# The speed of transactions of less than 10 seconds (under normal conditions)
# One chip can perform the entire transaction (fill all operators)
# There are many sms center (economical and smooth assured)
# There is a real time transaction report
# There is no limit to the transaction wlayah
# A lot of attractive bonuses for member
# Customer Service Professional
# TRANSACTIONS CAN BE DONE 24 hours nonstop is Toll Cheap Business Companies Network Marketing Indonesia and Distributors Electronic Toll refill Complete (All operators) which covers all types of existing cellular operators in Indonesia are now either GSM or CDMA. With a good system in support of the Reliable IT! thousands of our members across Indonesia.
EASY business opportunities (easy because the refill voucher in need of all people) and we offer you the opportunity to become PARTNERS us, to all the people who are interested to distribute in the local town.
· 1.Transfer The Bank Dtertera Under Rp.100Rb Minim
· 2.Stlah Kekami Transfer your confirmation,
SEND SMS TO: 085731098563
Ex: You Transfer Bank BCA, 100rb to your mobile No. 08123456789 MANAGERS
· DEP.ITC12345.BCA.100789
Submit 085731098563
Later, if you are already registered in PanelMD and want to “save money” deposit, you just transfer via ATM, i-banking, or cash to the account as follows:
BRI Rek. A.N 6632.01.003.4455.37 Lutfi
BPD Rek. 22.021.471715 A.N LUHFI
BCA Rek. 037.240.1883 A.N Lutfi
Mandiri Rek. 137.000.567.0407 A.N Lutfi
How do I register?
How to register in done via SMS with the following format:
DAFTAR.No_HP_Anda.Nama_Anda.Selisih Harga.PIN
The format is typed not from you but from HP HP is already registered in PanelMD (that means you must be registered by someone else already registered on PanelMD. In this case is me, D Yudianto who introduced panelmd to you)
So … if you want to be registered, then you must send an SMS to my first (in the future after the contents of the join form) with the following format:
(For your convenience, a bank account be emptied first with the sign “-”, because it is not mandatory and can be registered later by your own)
After your SMS, I will register you into your Sponsor Dealer Maser, if true format and successful then you will receive an SMS from PanelMD contain “Congratulations to join your ID xxxxx … … PIN Standard 1234.”
After that you are ready to enjoy all the services and facilities from us note carefully your ID & PIN to access to services & facilities we are.
If you want to join, please will you click the button
Join (FREE)
, You will be guided to join in and have a web Panelmd replica on this.
Up here, if you already understand? If you have not re-read … slowly … if it is please continue …
How do I fill in electrical pulses?
It will be like when you withdraw cash from your bank ATM, of course you must have a deposit in your account. Saving money first before you can pull cash at ATMs.
Similarly, in … … … … … … … … … … …
Deposit first before you can fill his electrical pulses. How:
You Must First Deposit Dg mode:
BCA – Rek: 8640021749 – tion: Jang Y / Manager Cakraningrat8.Com
We Suggest Kebag For Deposit Deposit Pulsa We Namely:
Remember Once you Tranferan Confirm Deposit Via SMS To: 085731098563
Real business opportunities to earn extra income for you that is engaged in counter refill system that offers electronic vouchers of all operators within 1 chip with competitive price. Pulse can be used to fill your own mobile phone, family, friends, and people – people who are around you. This is a real business that is very efficient and flexible according to your wishes. provide electrical pulses and as a distributor of electronic toll-dealer business cheap.
Maybe today you just WANT TO KNOW & CONSIDERING something.
Then if you are interested and there is a sense of desire to grow with U.S. ..
Next, you have to make decisions that SMART and HOT
by becoming a member WE ..
Immediately take your decision today!

Business Toll Free | Pulsa Elektrik | Pulsa Murah Business
Business Toll Free Business Toll Cheap, Free Ads, Online Business Tutorials, SEO, Advertising, Business Pulse, Internet Business, Business Toll Cheap, Business Pulse, Pulse Online Business Cheap Internet Electronic Toll, Toll Free, Master Dealer, Distributor Pulsa, Opportunities Business, SEO, Business Opportunities

Business Toll-Free Internet Indonesia Yang benar2 Spectacular Business Opportunities Fearfully Pulsa Murah Indonesia
Should Business Pulse?
Nowadays almost everyone has a mobile phone. Mobile has become a necessity for everyone. From year to year, mobile phone users is increasing and will continue to rise. Business Pulse can provide extra income for you and could even become the main income exceeds the money you pay if you have a strong determination to undergo this business.
If you are currently running a business credit or plan to start with, do not be afraid and do not hesitate to get in business credit!, Because business credit is a real business that will never stop.

# The price to compete with other
# The speed of transactions of less than 10 seconds (under normal conditions)
# One chip can perform the entire transaction (fill all operators)
# There are many sms center (economical and smooth assured)
# There is a real time transaction report
# There is no limit to the transaction wlayah
# A lot of attractive bonuses for member
# Customer Service Professional
# TRANSACTIONS CAN BE DONE 24 hours nonstop is Toll Cheap Business Companies Network Marketing Indonesia and Distributors Electronic Toll refill Complete (All operators) which covers all types of existing cellular operators in Indonesia are now either GSM or CDMA. With a good system in support of the Reliable IT! thousands of our members across Indonesia.
EASY business opportunities (easy because the refill voucher in need of all people) and we offer you the opportunity to become PARTNERS us, to all the people who are interested to distribute in the local town.
· 1.Transfer The Bank Dtertera Under Rp.100Rb Minim
· 2.Stlah Kekami Transfer your confirmation,
SEND SMS TO: 085731098563
Ex: You Transfer Bank BCA, 100rb to your mobile No. 08123456789 MANAGERS
· DEP.ITC12345.BCA.100789Submit 085731098563
Later, if you are already registered in PanelMD and want to “save money” deposit, you just transfer via ATM, i-banking, or cash to the account as follows:
BRI Rek. A.N 6632.01.003.4455.37 Lutfi

BPD Rek. 22.021.471715 A.N LUHFI
BCA Rek. 037.240.1883 A.N Lutfi
Mandiri Rek. 137.000.567.0407 A.N Lutfi
How do I register?
How to register in done via SMS with the following format:
DAFTAR.No_HP_Anda.Nama_Anda.Selisih Harga.PIN
The format is typed not from you but from HP HP is already registered in PanelMD (that means you must be registered by someone else already registered on PanelMD. In this case is me, D Yudianto who introduced panelmd to you)
So … if you want to be registered, then you must send an SMS to my first (in the future after the contents of the join form) with the following format:
DAFTAR.No_HP_Anda.Nama_Anda.Alamat.Kota.Bank.NoRek(For your convenience, a bank account be emptied first with the sign “-”, because it is not mandatory and can be registered later by your own)
After your SMS, I will register you into your Sponsor Dealer Maser, if true format and successful then you will receive an SMS from PanelMD contain “Congratulations to join your ID xxxxx … … PIN Standard 1234.”
After that you are ready to enjoy all the services and facilities from us note carefully your ID & PIN to access to services & facilities we are.
If you want to join, please will you click the button
Join (FREE)
, You will be guided to join in and have a web Panelmd replica on this.
Up here, if you already understand? If you have not re-read … slowly … if it is please continue …
How do I fill in electrical pulses?
It will be like when you withdraw cash from your bank ATM, of course you must have a deposit in your account. Saving money first before you can pull cash at ATMs.
Similarly, in … … … … … … … … … … …
Deposit first before you can fill his electrical pulses. How:
You Must First Deposit Dg mode:

BCA – Rek: 8640021749 – tion: Jang Y / Manager Cakraningrat8.Com

We Suggest Kebag For Deposit Deposit Pulsa We Namely:
Remember Once you Tranferan Confirm Deposit Via SMS To: 085731098563
Real business opportunities to earn extra income for you that is engaged in counter refill system that offers electronic vouchers of all operators within 1 chip with competitive price. Pulse can be used to fill your own mobile phone, family, friends, and people – people who are around you. This is a real business that is very efficient and flexible according to your wishes. provide electrical pulses and as a distributor of electronic toll-dealer business cheap.

Maybe today you just WANT TO KNOW & CONSIDERING something.Then if you are interested and there is a sense of desire to grow with U.S. ..Next, you have to make decisions that SMART and HOTby becoming a member WE ..Immediately take your decision today!

Business Toll Free | Pulsa Elektrik | Pulsa Murah BusinessBusiness Toll Free Business Toll Cheap, Free Ads, Online Business Tutorials, SEO, Advertising, Business Pulse, Internet Business, Business Toll Cheap, Business Pulse, Pulse Online Business Cheap Internet Electronic Toll, Toll Free, Master Dealer, Distributor Pulsa, Opportunities Business, SEO, Business OpportunitiesBusiness Toll-Free Internet Indonesia Yang benar2 SpectacularBusiness Opportunities Fearfully Pulsa Murah IndonesiaShould Business Pulse?Nowadays almost everyone has a mobile phone. Mobile has become a necessity for everyone. From year to year, mobile phone users is increasing and will continue to rise. Business Pulse can provide extra income for you and could even become the main income exceeds the money you pay if you have a strong determination to undergo this business.If you are currently running a business credit or plan to start with, do not be afraid and do not hesitate to get in business credit!, Because business credit is a real business that will never stop.BIKIN WE ARE DIFFERENT FROM THAT laen!# The price to compete with other# The speed of transactions of less than 10 seconds (under normal conditions)# One chip can perform the entire transaction (fill all operators)# There are many sms center (economical and smooth assured)# There is a real time transaction report# There is no limit to the transaction wlayah# A lot of attractive bonuses for member# Customer Service Professional# TRANSACTIONS CAN BE DONE 24 hours is Toll Cheap Business Companies Network Marketing Indonesia and Distributors Electronic Toll refill Complete (All operators) which covers all types of existing cellular operators in Indonesia are now either GSM or CDMA. With a good system in support of the Reliable IT! thousands of our members across Indonesia.EASY business opportunities (easy because the refill voucher in need of all people) and we offer you the opportunity to become PARTNERS us, to all the people who are interested to distribute in the local town.· 1.Transfer The Bank Dtertera Under Rp.100Rb Minim· 2.Stlah Kekami Transfer your confirmation,Type SMS: DEP.IDMEMBER.BANK.NOMINALSEND SMS TO: 085731098563Ex: You Transfer Bank BCA, 100rb to your mobile No. 08123456789 MANAGERS· DEP.ITC12345.BCA.100789Submit 085731098563Later, if you are already registered in PanelMD and want to “save money” deposit, you just transfer via ATM, i-banking, or cash to the account as follows:BRI Rek. A.N 6632.01.003.4455.37 LutfiBPD Rek. 22.021.471715 A.N LUHFIBCA Rek. 037.240.1883 A.N LutfiMandiri Rek. 137.000.567.0407 A.N LutfiHow do I register?How to register in done via SMS with the following format:DAFTAR.No_HP_Anda.Nama_Anda.Selisih Harga.PINThe format is typed not from you but from HP HP is already registered in PanelMD (that means you must be registered by someone else already registered on PanelMD. In this case is me, D Yudianto who introduced panelmd to you)So … if you want to be registered, then you must send an SMS to my first (in the future after the contents of the join form) with the following format:DAFTAR.No_HP_Anda.Nama_Anda.Alamat.Kota.Bank.NoRek(For your convenience, a bank account be emptied first with the sign “-”, because it is not mandatory and can be registered later by your own)After your SMS, I will register you into your Sponsor Dealer Maser, if true format and successful then you will receive an SMS from PanelMD contain “Congratulations to join your ID xxxxx … … PIN Standard 1234.”After that you are ready to enjoy all the services and facilities from us note carefully your ID & PIN to access to services & facilities we are.If you want to join, please will you click the buttonJoin (FREE), You will be guided to join in and have a web Panelmd replica on this.Up here, if you already understand? If you have not re-read … slowly … if it is please continue …How do I fill in electrical pulses?It will be like when you withdraw cash from your bank ATM, of course you must have a deposit in your account. Saving money first before you can pull cash at ATMs.Similarly, in … … … … … … … … … … …Deposit first before you can fill his electrical pulses. How:You Must First Deposit Dg mode:BCA – Rek: 8640021749 – tion: Jang Y / Manager Cakraningrat8.ComWe Suggest Kebag For Deposit Deposit Pulsa We Namely:Remember Once you Tranferan Confirm Deposit Via SMS To: 085731098563Real business opportunities to earn extra income for you that is engaged in counter refill system that offers electronic vouchers of all operators within 1 chip with competitive price. Pulse can be used to fill your own mobile phone, family, friends, and people – people who are around you. This is a real business that is very efficient and flexible according to your wishes. provide electrical pulses and as a distributor of electronic toll-dealer business cheap.Maybe today you just WANT TO KNOW & CONSIDERING something.Then if you are interested and there is a sense of desire to grow with U.S. ..Next, you have to make decisions that SMART and HOTby becoming a member WE ..Immediately take your decision today!


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Apakah anda seorang pelajar, mahasiswa, ibu rumah tangga, pekerja lapangan, guru atau apakah anda sedang dalam proses mencari kerja? Atau mungkin Anda sekarang bekerja sebagai sales sebuah produk tertentu yang berhubungan dengan banyak orang. Atau bahkan mungkin Anda adalah seorang yang menjadi anggota salah satu bisnis jaringan: MLM atau sejenisnya.
Apapun profesi Anda saat ini, Anda dapat memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dari usaha sampingan yang mudah, murah dan menguntungkan tanpa harus meninggalkan profesi utama Anda. Bahkan Anda dapat memanfaatkan profesi Anda, lingkungan Anda ataupun jaringan Anda untuk menjalankan bisnis ini. Karena bisnis ini bisa dilakukan oleh siapapun, terlebih lagi Anda!
Bisnis yang Anda dapat jalankan itu adalah menjadi dealer pulsa elektrik. Ya, tapi mengapa harus dealer pulsa elektrik?


Untuk menjadi menjalankan bisnis pulsa elektrik dengan menjadi dealer pulsa Anda tidak memerlukan modal awal yang banyak. Misalnya dengan menjadi mitra Anda cukup menyediakan modal awal 200 ribu sudah dapat melakukan transaksi pengisian pulsa ke semua nomor GSM dan CDMA. Anda juga dapat melakukan transaksi lainnya. Ingat, hanya dengan 200 ribu, dengan menggunakan kartu pribadi Anda. Tidak butuh nomor khusus apalagi HP khusus, jadi tidak perlu beli HP baru! Dengan modal yang relatif murah tersebut, bisnis pulsa elektrik ini dapat dijalankan oleh siapa saja. Lebih jelas klik halaman regitrasi


Anda tidak akan kehilangan satu sen pun dari modal Anda yang seratus ribu tersebut. Karena uang dua ratus ribu tersebut semua akan terkonversi menjadi deposit pulsa. Tanpa potongan apapun dan tanpa biaya apapun! Deposit pulsa tersebut dapat Anda transfer ke Agen -downlink- Anda, atau dapat Anda isikan dalam bentuk pulsa kepada pelanggan Anda (jika Anda menjual langsung ke konsumen), atau bisa juga Anda isikan ke nomor Anda sendiri, tentu dengan harga dealer dan lebih murah jika Anda beli di counter. Benar-benar tanpa resiko bukan?!


Untuk menjalankan bisnis pulsa elektrik ini, Anda tidak memerlukan keterampilan khusus. Hanya butuh ‘keterampilan’ sms, yang semua orang bisa melakukannya. Semua cara transaksi dibuat semudah mungkin sehingga memungkinkan semua orang untuk dapat melakukannya. Tentu saja, jika ia bisa baca tulis. Jadi, BAGI YANG BUTA HURUF MOHON TIDAK BERGABUNG DENGAN BISNIS PULSA ELEKTRIK!!


Alasan lain bahwa bisnis pulsa ini cocok untu semua orang terlebih Anda, adalah Anda tidak perlu meninggalkan apapun yang sedang Anda kerjakan untuk melakukan transaksi pulsa. Alih-alih meninggalkan, bahkan bisnis ini tidak mengganggu sedikitpun aktivitas Anda. Kapanpun dan dimanapun. Andapun dapat menerima order lewat SMS, sambil tetap kerja di kantor, atau tetap menjalankan kewajiban sebagai ibu rtumah tangga, atau sambil apa saja yang menjadi aktivitas Anda. Sistem kami misalnya, terbuka untuk melakukan transaksi 24 jam nonstop, tetapi jika ingin, Anda dapat membatasi jam-jam transaksi Anda dengan downlink ataupelanggan pulsa Anda pada jam-jam tertentu saja. adalah Perusahaan Network Marketing Bisnis Pulsa Online yang bergerak di bidang promosi dan marketing online salah satu server pulsa nasional. Sebagai perusahaan promosi dan marketing, kami membuka peluang seluas-luasnya bagi distributor pulsa, dealer pulsa, agen pulsa bahkan pemakai pulsa untuk kebutuhan pribadi maupun perusahaan untuk menjadi mitra bisnis pulsa kami.

Juga bagi Anda yang selama ini sudah tergabung dengan bisnis multi level marketing semisal DBS, Sakuku, voucher key, BeRich, GoldCoin atau yang lain. Anda dapat memanfaatkan jaringan yang telah Anda bangun untuk juga menjalankan bisnis pulsa elektrik bersama kami, tentu saja setelah terlebih dahulu Anda membandingkan harga dan layanan kami dengan yang ditawarkan perusahaan MLM tempat Anda bergabung.


Salah satu yang paling menjadi pertimbangan bisnis pulsa -dan semua bisnis- adalah harga yang murah, dan itulah yang kami tawarkan kepada calon mitra kami. Klaim harga pulsa murah tentu akan mudah Anda buktikan (atau Anda bantah), karena Anda dapat dengan mudah membandingkan harga yang kami tawarkan dengan harga yang ditawarkan di tempat lain. Silahkan pelajari menu Produk website ini, Anda akan mendapati bahwa yang kami tawarkan adalah yang termurah atau sekurang-kurangnya salah satu yang termurah!


Termasuk juga ‘paket murah’ adalah, semua transaksi yang Anda lakukan tidak dikenai biaya SMS Reply. Alias semuanya gratis.
Adakalanya Anda mendapati daftar harga pulsa yang kelihatannya murah, tetapi nyatanya harga pulsa murah tersebut tidak benar-benar murah oleh karena beban biaya SMS Reply. Misalnya, jika biaya SMS reply adalah antara Rp. 50,- sampai Rp. 150,- tiap kali melakukan transaksi. Tambahkan dengan harga pulsa yang ditawarkan. Maka tentu Anda dapat membandingkan mana yang benar-benar murah!


Tidak cukup itu saja, juga menawarkan bonus 0.5% setiap kali deposit saldo dengan nominal minimal 1 juta. Ah, hanya 5 ribu tiap 1 juta kan? Jangan salah, jika Anda mendownlinekan kembali produk kami dengan mark up (misalnya) Rp. 100,- per produk, 5 ribu rupiah sama dengan 50 transaksi sukses Anda atau downline Anda. Maka harga pulsa murah di daftar harga kami masih dikurangi lagi dengan bonus deposit tersebut.


Untuk menjadi mitra bisnis pulsa elektrik di, anda tidak perlu membayar biaya apapun. Di tempat lain mungkin ada biaya pendaftaran yang tujuannya untuk mengikat kemitraan. Di cakraningrat8.combiaya menjadi dealer pulsa adalah Rp. 0,- alian GRATIS. Anda hanya perlu melakukan deposit awal sebesar 100rb-200 ribu rupiah, yang semuanya akan dikonversi menjadi saldo deposit tanpa potongan apapun.
Sehingga jika suatu saat Anda merasa tidak nyaman menjadi mitra bisnis pulsa master dealer pulsa, Anda dapat sewaktu-waktu ‘pergi’ tanpa harus kehilangan biaya apapun. hanya ‘mengikat’ Anda dengan layanan yang terbaik, tidak dengan biaya apapun!


Apa guna harga pulsa murah tapi stok pulsa tidak stabil: kadang ada tapi sering juga kosong. Kadang kita butuh untuk melakukan transaksi pulsa tertentu, tapi karena kosong, kita tidak dapat melakukan transaksi. Tanpa melakukan tansaksi pengisian pulsa, tentu tidak ada keuntungan yang didapatkan sekalipun pulsa yang ditawarkan sangat murah. Bahkan seandainya pulsanya GRATIS pun, kalau tidak ada transaksi tidak akan ada keuntungan:D
Server kami mampu melakukan transaksi sampai dengan 70 ribu trx per hari. Dengan Transaksi yang sebanyak itu pula Anda bisa tahu bahwa Supply stok kami sudah sangat mapan dan bukan seperti server kecil yang hanya main H2H atau import. Transaksi yang besar itulah yang menjadi alasan kenapa kami bisa berusaha agar harga cenderung stabil dari waktu ke waktu, ingat cenderung stabil.


Sistem kemitraan kami tidak menjanjikan Anda menjadi orang yang superkaya atau semacamnya, tidak menjanjikan reward yang super atau hal yang super lainnya. Azas transaksi kami adalah bisnis konvensional bukan MLM. Keuntungan yang Anda dapatkan dalam bisnis ini adalah murni dari jumlah margin antara nilai beli Anda dan nilai jual Anda. Bonus yang Anda dapatkan hanya berupa bonus deposit seperti tersebut diatas. juga tidak memberi batasan apapun untuk dealer pulsa elektrik kami, tidak ada target penjualan, tidak ada target downline, tidak ada batasan wilayah, tidak ada batas maksimal saldo. Bebas sebebas-bebasnya.


Untuk menjamin azas halal, salah satunya adalah kami menjamin semua harga yang kami tawarkan adalah sesuai yang tertera dimenu produk. Apabila ada perubahan harga, kami akan memberitahukannya dua hari sebelum perubahan harga diberlakukan. Perhatikan pemberitahuan di SMS reply dari setiap transaksi. Anda yang telah bergabung menjadi mitra bisnis juga dapat melakukan pengecekan harga setiap saat (format lengkap lihat di menu transaksi). Semuanya gratis, tanpa harus terbebani biaya SMS reply.
Kami selalu berusaha menampilkan harga terbaru di menu produk web ini, tetapi mungkin kadang-kadang kami terlambat melakukan update harga di website kami, bagi Anda yang belum bergabung dan tidak dapat melakukan cek harga pulsa, silahkan tanya terlebih dahulu ke nomor costumer service.


Server pulsa kami merupakan server pulsa dengan member yang telah berjumlah puluhan ribu member. Kami mampu melakukan transaksi rata-rata s.d. 70.000/hari tanpa gangguan berarti. Bahkan di saat event-event tertentu mencapai satu setengah kali lipat dari angka itu. Kualitas server kami tentu telah teruji dan server kami bisa dikatakan server besar jika melihat jumlah transaksi, karena rata-rata server hanya 1000-2000 transaksi / hari, kami telah mencapai 20-60 kali dari server menengah itu.


Dengan didukung server yang handal, sistem kami mampu melakukan transaksi yang cepat. Sehingga pembeli tidak perlu lama menunggu proses pengisian pulsa. Jika terjadi pengisian yang gagal pun server kami akan dengan cepat memberi laporan sehingga dengan cepat pula dapat dilakukan transaksi ulang pengisian pulsa. Setiap transaksi berhasil akan diberi laporan lengkap dengan serial number yang valid. Sistem kami menjamin tidak ada pemotongan saldo deposit sementara pulsa belum masuk ke nomor konsumen!


Untuk setiap transaksi pengisian pulsa elektrik yang gagal yang disebabkan oleh sistem pada server kami, kami tidak akan mengurangi saldo deposit Anda. Namun perlu diketahui bahwa kami menggunakan server pulsa yang handal sehingga kasus kegagalan transaksi hampir tidak pernah terjadi, bahkan pada saat puncak transaksi seperti idul fitri, natal, tahun baru, valentine dan lain-lain.


Seluruh proses pengisian pulsa elektrik dilakukan otomatis oleh sistem server pulsa kami, tanpa perlu menunggu lama input manual oleh pekerja kami sehingga dapat dilakukan 24 jam sehari dan 7 hari seminggu.
Untuk menghindari kemungkinan kesalahan, sistem kami tidak memungkinkan adanya transaksi ganda yang identik. Misalnya pengisian ke nomor yang sama dengan nominal yang sama atau transfer pulsa ke downline dengan satu ID PEM yang sama dengan nominal yang sama.
Satu nomor pelanggan hanya dapat diisi satu kali dengan nominal yang sama antara pukul 00:00 WIB hingga 23:59 WIB. Untuk pengisian lebih dari satu kali dapat dilakukan dengan nominal berbeda. Jadi, jika Anda mengirim transaksi yang identik 2 kali dalam sehari, secara otomatis sistem kami hanya akan memproses salah satunya saja.


Selain transaksi melalui SMS, transaksi di server pulsa kami juga dapat dilakukan via YM. Format transaksi lewat YM sama dengan transaksi lewat SMS. Sebelumnya anda harus mendaftarkan YM Anda melalui SMS terlebih dahulu, lihat cara pendaftaran YM di menu transaksi.
Anda juga dapat mengetahui alur transaksi Anda dan juga downline Anda melalui WebReport kami.


Apa yang kami jelaskan di website ini sudah cukup lengkap. Namun, jika Anda tertarik dengan bisnis pulsa elektrik ini, dan merasa ada yang perlu ditanyakan lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi Customer Service kami melalui YM Support (Jika Online) atau melalui SMS ke 085731098563 setiap hari mulai pukul 08.00 s.d. 20.00 wib
Kami akan menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda.

Selamat bergabung dan bertransaksi!

Bisnis Pulsa Murah


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plikasi Java Via HP

Aplikasi Java Via HP

Kami telah menyediakan aplikasi khusus untuk semua member irefill. Dimana aplikasi tersebut kami rancang untuk mempermudah dan memberikan kenyamanan untuk anda untuk melakukan transaksi. Bagi anda yang berminat untuk mendownload dan menggunakan fasilitas ini, silahkan anda download disini.

Spesifikasi minimun HP yang bisa diinstall aplikasi ini adalah HP yang sudah support JAVA. Berikut tutorialnya :

  1. Download terlebih dulu aplikasinya disini
  2. Jika proses download selesai 100%, langsung install aplikasi tersebut
  3. Ikuti langkah-langkah instalasi di HP, hanya klik Continue/Yes hingga proses installasi selesai
  4. Jika proses installasi berhasil, maka akan ada icon aplikasi IREFILL TOPUP di dalam menu aplikasi anda
  5. Untuk menggunakan fasilitas ini, buka aplikasi IREFILL TOPUP di daftar aplikasi HP anda
  6. Definisikan terlebih dulu nomor sms center untuk pengiriman transaksi (ini hanya sekali pada saat awal aplikasi dibuka dan dapat dirubah kembali untuk nomor centernya)
  7. Untuk test pertama kali, gunakanlah untuk cek saldo, untuk penggunaan selanjutnya tentukan pilihan anda sesuai dengan menu yang tertampil di aplikasi tersebut
  8. Pin yang anda gunakan adalah pin transaksi account anda di kami
  9. Jika sudah selsai pada tahap akhir input data yang diminta, biasanya anda akan ditanyakan yang menyatakan “apakah anda mengijinkan aplikasi untuk mengirim data”
  10. Pilih opsi untuk mengijinkan aplikasi mengirim data
  11. Jika data sudah terkirim, tunggu beberapa saat sampai ada laporan dari server
  12. Lama waktu tunggu tergantung pada request yang anda minta, cek saldo, komplain, cek rabat, topup, dll
  13. Jika anda kurang jelas terhadap penjelasan diatas, silahkan hubungi CS kami
  14. terimakasih dan semoga membantu.



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Apakah anda seorang pelajar, mahasiswa, ibu rumah tangga, pekerja lapangan, guru atau apakah anda sedang dalam proses mencari kerja? Atau mungkin Anda sekarang bekerja sebagai sales sebuah produk tertentu yang berhubungan dengan banyak orang. Atau bahkan mungkin Anda adalah seorang yang menjadi anggota salah satu bisnis jaringan: MLM atau sejenisnya.
Apapun profesi Anda saat ini, Anda dapat memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dari usaha sampingan yang mudah, murah dan menguntungkan tanpa harus meninggalkan profesi utama Anda. Bahkan Anda dapat memanfaatkan profesi Anda, lingkungan Anda ataupun jaringan Anda untuk menjalankan bisnis ini. Karena bisnis ini bisa dilakukan oleh siapapun, terlebih lagi Anda!
Bisnis yang Anda dapat jalankan itu adalah menjadi dealer pulsa elektrik. Ya, tapi mengapa harus dealer pulsa elektrik?

Untuk menjadi menjalankan bisnis pulsa elektrik dengan menjadi dealer pulsa Anda tidak memerlukan modal awal yang banyak. Misalnya dengan menjadi mitra Anda cukup menyediakan modal awal 200 ribu sudah dapat melakukan transaksi pengisian pulsa ke semua nomor GSM dan CDMA. Anda juga dapat melakukan transaksi lainnya. Ingat, hanya dengan 200 ribu, dengan menggunakan kartu pribadi Anda. Tidak butuh nomor khusus apalagi HP khusus, jadi tidak perlu beli HP baru! Dengan modal yang relatif murah tersebut, bisnis pulsa elektrik ini dapat dijalankan oleh siapa saja. Lebih jelas klik halaman regitrasi

Anda tidak akan kehilangan satu sen pun dari modal Anda yang seratus ribu tersebut. Karena uang dua ratus ribu tersebut semua akan terkonversi menjadi deposit pulsa. Tanpa potongan apapun dan tanpa biaya apapun! Deposit pulsa tersebut dapat Anda transfer ke Agen -downlink- Anda, atau dapat Anda isikan dalam bentuk pulsa kepada pelanggan Anda (jika Anda menjual langsung ke konsumen), atau bisa juga Anda isikan ke nomor Anda sendiri, tentu dengan harga dealer dan lebih murah jika Anda beli di counter. Benar-benar tanpa resiko bukan?!

Untuk menjalankan bisnis pulsa elektrik ini, Anda tidak memerlukan keterampilan khusus. Hanya butuh ‘keterampilan’ sms, yang semua orang bisa melakukannya. Semua cara transaksi dibuat semudah mungkin sehingga memungkinkan semua orang untuk dapat melakukannya. Tentu saja, jika ia bisa baca tulis. Jadi, BAGI YANG BUTA HURUF MOHON TIDAK BERGABUNG DENGAN BISNIS PULSA ELEKTRIK!!

Alasan lain bahwa bisnis pulsa ini cocok untu semua orang terlebih Anda, adalah Anda tidak perlu meninggalkan apapun yang sedang Anda kerjakan untuk melakukan transaksi pulsa. Alih-alih meninggalkan, bahkan bisnis ini tidak mengganggu sedikitpun aktivitas Anda. Kapanpun dan dimanapun. Andapun dapat menerima order lewat SMS, sambil tetap kerja di kantor, atau tetap menjalankan kewajiban sebagai ibu rtumah tangga, atau sambil apa saja yang menjadi aktivitas Anda. Sistem kami misalnya, terbuka untuk melakukan transaksi 24 jam nonstop, tetapi jika ingin, Anda dapat membatasi jam-jam transaksi Anda dengan downlink atau pelanggan pulsa Anda pada jam-jam tertentu saja.
